Health Benefits of Being Outside in Dubuque

Health Benefits of Being Outside in Dubuque

Health Benefits Of Being Outside in Dubuque

The recent polar vortex paralyzed much of the Midwest with subzero temperatures wreaking havoc and canceling school.

Benefits of Outside Air in Dubuque

During this bitterly cold period, Dr. Jack and Dr. Jenny started researching the benefits of getting outside when it’s frigid. In their research they found that articles were stating the following benefits of being outdoors when the temperatures plummet:

  • Increased insulin sensitivity (better blood sugar handling)
  • Better circulation
  • Increased metabolism
  • A change in fat usage where you use fat to heat your body, like a bear

Serving As Test Subjects

Because both doctors like data, Dr. Jenny checked her blood sugar before heading outside. She also checked it right after they went inside, and her blood sugar had dropped by 12 points in only a couple of minutes!

Both Dr. Jack and Dr. Jenny were trying not to shiver, so they used fat instead of muscles to heat their bodies while outside in the -9ᵒ weather.

Watch Out for Frostbite

WARNING: Be aware, however, that prolonged cold exposure has health risks, which include frostbite. This type of injury occurs when the skin is exposed to the cold. Burning, numbness, and tingling are all symptoms of frostbite.

If you’re going to be out in freezing weather, always wear warm layers. Make sure you don’t have any gaps in your clothing that would allow cold air to reach your skin. Take extra care to protect your head, hands, and feet. These areas are the ones that are the most often frostbitten.

Warm Up to a Chiropractic Adjustment

One of the best ways to stay well throughout winter and all-year-round is by getting adjusted on a regular basis. With cold and flu season upon us, chiropractic care can help boost your immune system so you can maintain your health even when the temperatures take a nosedive. With our practice always sunny and 73ᵒ you’ll feel toasty every time you come in for care!

At Family First Chiropractic Wellness Center our team is here to assist you with all your chiropractic needs. Please feel free to call at (563) 556-6921, we are happy to speak with you.


7:00am - 12:30pm
3:30pm - 6:30pm

2:30pm - 5:30pm

7:00am - 12:30pm
3:30pm - 6:30pm

2:30pm - 5:30pm

7:00am - 1:00pm


Family First Chiropractic
Wellness Center

998 Fremont Avenue Suite L1
Dubuque, IA 52003
(563) 556-6921